In the year of 1988, Hey-Wel Mechanical Co,. Ltd,. a 100% of jour self-support company, was founded as a specialist manufacturer for Metering Pumps and 3-lobes Roots Blowers, RS- type series had reached to their maturity stage after years of modifications and testing in year of 1991. In the same year, Hey-Wel decided to quit the metering pump line, and make himself as a real specialist of the 3-lobes Roots Blowers. However, this stage is not a stage for Hey-Wel to stop developing, it was a beginning instead. WE concentrated in the development of new types, RSS and RSW types were born with the believes. RSS type is good at performing at high rpm and high pressure working, and in order to compensate the shortage of the RSS type at the pressure range over 0.8 kgf/cm?/SPAN>, RSW type was developed.
Though we had met problems during the stage of developing, we had overcome them with all efforts of our staffs and by constant investment. The defaults of uncertain delivery days and incontrollable precision had been solved, before, we sent out all machining jobs to our subcontractors,, and this is the main reason that caused to trouble, now we had procured necessary machine tools such as CNC laths 、 CNC boring machines 、 CNC shapers and some CNC special purpose machines to machine all our parts inside our factory. Now, we are able to produce parts which are 100% meet with our design, and in the mean while, can also deliver goods to our clients within promised date, And more, our productivity had been hugely increased.
To provide our clients in overseas best service without delay, Hey-Wel had ventured a trade firm, the Tideway Union Corp., in the year of 1998, with their specialist service, we can make sure of providing best services to our clients, and Hey-Wel himself can concentrate on its researching and developing. So that we can supply the best products to our clients.
Seeking for the best performance is what we always insist on, we will keep on modifying our products to supply efficient and reliable products to our clients.
Hey-Wel Mechanical Co., Ltd.
Lin Ming Tsu / Managing Directtor